July 2004


Garage Sale

Indep. Day


Storm Debris

Lewis & Clark

Do you have neighborhood news to contribute? Contact  editor, Amy Whitehead by phone: 913 342-5256

or email:  abwhitehead@natsem.com



No meeting for July.
Please refer to the schedule below for the next general meeting and board meeting

Garage Sale Big Success!

Thanks to Cheryl Gove for heading up a terrific garage sale this year! Many good deals were made with over thirty houses participating. Rumor has it that a lot of purchases moved from one house in Westheight to another - just rotating stock among neighbors.

The weather cooperated for the duration of the sale with clear skies that showed off the beauty of our neighborhood to all who walked and drove through, while shopping. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make the garage sale a successful event for our neighborhood.

2004 Neighborhood Activity Dates

July 3, Saturday, Ice Cream Social.
August 3, Tuesday, General Membership meeting
Sept. 6, Monday, Labor Day
Sept. 7, Tuesday, General Membership meeting
Sept. 18, Saturday, Annual Picnic and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
October 5, Tuesday, General Membership meeting
October 11, Monday, Columbus Day.

Directory Changes
Our new directories are just about ready to go to print. If you have any changes and have not already done so, please contact Larry Dean at 371-0100 or by e-mail at lwdean@sbcglobal.net. We are trying to add e-mail addresses to the directory also, so if you would like yours included please contact Larry.

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Garage Sale


Storm Debris

Lewis & Clark

Second Annual Independence Day Celebration

See you Saturday, July 3, 2004, at 8:00 p.m. in Triangle Park.
Bring your lawn chairs and beverages and join us for ice cream and a 4th of July display on Saturday evening. We will have bowls of ice cream with fixin's, and enjoy a celebratory display put on by our neighbors. If you wish to contribute to the purchase of the displays, please contact Jim Smith at 371-4895. Look forward to relaxing to the sounds of the holiday in the park.


Annual Picnic & Ribbon Cutting

Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 18, 2004. At 2:00 p.m. we will start our annual picnic by having a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially announce the completion of our traffic calming project. Invited guests and participants will include our elected officials, the City departments that worked with us, the consultants, the contractors, and most importantly all our neighbors that worked many years on this project to see it to its completion, as well as those on Washington Boulevard that accepted the responsibility of paying for it. We appreciate everyone's involvement and the result is something that we all should be very proud of. Plan on celebrating with your neighbors and invited guests at a special ceremony, followed by our annual picnic with activities for young and old. Look for the August newsletter for more information.


The Lewis & Clark Expedition celebration is underway at the new Kaw Point Park. If you visit the park, don't forget to look for the brick that HWNA bought as a neighborhood group to help support this new park. It says, "Historic Westheight Neighborhood Association".

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Garage Sale


Indep. Day

Lewis & Clark

Storm Debris Pickup

Storm debris will be picked up at curbside for free in KCK until Monday, June 28th. Citizens of Kansas City, Kansas who have debris as a result of last Saturday's storm may place the items at the curb by their property for pickup. Smaller items will be picked up by Deffenbaugh on the normal trash pickup day. Larger items will be picked up by employees of the Unified Government's Public Works Department. The deadline for all debris to be set out for pickup is Monday, June 28, 2004; with pickup within the following week. For additional information, please contact the UG Public Works Department at 913-573-8365.

Don't Forget to Advertise

If you live in Westheight, you are entitled to advertise your services in this newsletter. For $5 an ad, you can purchase a 2" by 3.5" block. What a great and inexpensive way to become better known. Your neighbors would love to support you and your work! Contact the editorial staff at 342-5256 or e-mail the text of your ad to abwhitehead@natsem.com. The deadline to place an ad in the August newsletter is July 20, 2004.

Locke’s Custom Cakes & Cookies
Wedding Cakes, Full Service Cakes
Cookies, Cupcakes & Muffins
Tue-Fri 10-5:30, Sat. 10-Noon.
11 S. 17th St. KCK
913-233-2253 or 913-621-6304
Weekly Specials & Individual orders are available


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