Historic Westheight Neighborhood Association

About HWNA
Who we are and how you can get involved.

It only costs $10 per year to belong to HWNA.

Crime Watch
Help us keep Westheight safe.

Upcoming events, meetings, etc.

Tell us what you'd like to see HWNA do and how we can improve this web site.

How to Join

To become a member of the Historic Westheight Neighborhood Association, all you need to do is pay your dues and give your name to our treasurer, Rick Yarnell.

You can bring your check or cash to any HWNA meeting or mail your dues to Rick Yarnell
2424 Nebraska Court,
Kansas City, KS 66102-2608.

Dues are $10 per year per member.

Only dues-paying members may vote in our elections and hold office in HWNA.

All members of the community are invited to attend our meetings, but we reserve the right to limit some activities to dues-paying members.

The Historic Westheight Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)3 charitable corporation, established to improve the livability and environs of the Westheight Manor Registered Historic District. As such, payment of dues allows a member to vote at meetings on issues, and for the electing of Board members and Officers of the organization. No goods or services are exchanged for a payment of dues, or for any other contribution to the corporation.

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Joan Nickum

1838 Freeman
Kansas City Kansas 66102

©1998-2010 Historic Westheight Neighborhood Association
All rights reserved.
To report problems with this web page, contact Rick Yarnell